About Manaoh Lodge No. 141
Manaoh Lodge No. 141, A.F. & A.M., is a Masonic Lodge in Tofino, British Columbia, Canada.
Manaoah Lodge No. 141 was constituted in 1951 and has been active in the Tofino, Uclulet and Pacific Rim National Park areas ever since.
We meet on the second Saturday of each month, except December, January, and February, at 1 p.m. at 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Here is a map showing the location of Manoah Lodge No. 141 building at 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge was formed in 1951 as the 141st constituent Masonic Lodge under the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, the governing body for all Masonic Lodges in BC and Yukon (there are now nearly 200 such Lodges). Freemasonry (or Masonry) is the largest and the oldest fraternity in the world, with Lodges in most countries of the world, stretching back hundreds of years. Membership is by application, but no recruitment is done. We rely on those who may be interested in becoming Masons to approach existing members. Manoah Lodge No. 141 has over 50 members, from all walks of life, in both local and distant communities.
While a Masonic Lodge is a fraternal organization (that is, open to men only), there are various concordant bodies within the Masonic family that are open to Women (such as the Order of the Eastern Star and the Daughters of the Nile) as well as to boys (Order of Demolay) and girls (International Order of Job’s Daughters).
The chief aim of the Masonic Lodge is fraternity. But, like many fraternal organizations, we also endeavour to support our communities where we can. Hence, the charitable donations we continue to make locally to services that provide for the welfare of the whole of our community, including donations to local hospitals, fire departments and schools as well as annual scholarships for the graduates of Ucluelet Senior Secondary School.
Some other branches of Freemasonry than the Masonic Lodge concentrate on philanthropic efforts. For instance, the Shrine (one must be a Mason to be a Shriner, but not all Shriners are Masons) raises almost two million dollars a day for children’s hospitals throughout North America.
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