Regular Meeting of Manoah Lodge No. 141 for March 2025 – 8 March 2025, 1 p.m.

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Notice for March 9th, 2025

Dear Brethren,

I am directed by the Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the regular communication of Manoah Lodge No. 141, to be held on Saturday, March 8th, at 1:00pm in the Masonic Hall, 318
Neill Street, Tofino, BC. Purpose: To conduct the general business of the Lodge and all other business that may legally come before it.

Dress code will be in effect for this meeting. Please come out and support your Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WBro Ian Rumley, Secretary

Regular Meeting Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 – 10 June 2023, 1:00 p.m.

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Notice for June, 2023


Due to fire in Cathedral Grove and the landslides along the road, our regular Communication will not take place in Tofino. We have been granted a special Dispensation by Grand Lodge to move our Communication to Nanaimo on Saturday June 10 2023. Lodge will tyle at 1pm, with a light repast to follow. Many thanks to WB Matt Dunbar and the Officers and Brethren of Ashlar No 3 for their Brotherly love in welcoming us to meet in their Lodge.

To the Brethren of Manoah trapped in Port Alberni and Tofino who won’t be able to attend, you will be in our heart and on our mind.

No suits, no ties, no sandals, your best HAWAII Shirt, long pants.

Ashlar lodge No 3
101 Commercial Street
Nanaimo, BC


WB Michael Schnurr for Brother Secretary trapped in Nanaimo and can’t get home to Ucluelet

Dear Brethren,

I am directed by the Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the REGULAR meeting of Manoah Lodge No. 141, to be held on Saturday, June 10th 1:00 PM in the Masonic Hall, 308 Neill Street, Tofino BC.

Inasmuch as we are facing the onset of warmer weather, our Worshipful Master has directed informal dress (slacks and button-front shirts, without ties) with regalia.

The repast will begin at 12:00 Noon in the banquet room. We suggest you pick up a take-out order from Gary’s Kitchen (downstairs from the Lodge room) by 11:45. They have now converted to a take-out only operation with the same selection and reasonable prices. So, the repast will be much as it was before the pandemic struck, with the exception that we will be dining in the Lodge facilities…..

Sincerely and fraternally,
Ian Rumley

From the East:

Thanks to all who attended our Installation, and especially to those who took part and otherwise assisted before, during and after Installation. It was very much a team effort that made the day a success for Manoah and Freemasonry. With that same spirit, effort and support we can accomplish what we set our minds to and make our Lodge stronger.

I intend to visit all Lodges on the Island and spread Manoah’s name. My first visit was to Qualicum Lodge No. 197 on May 27th. Visiting strengthens the bonds between Lodges and members. I will make a schedule and welcome any Manoah members to attend with me.

Our next meeting on June 10th has a “Hawaii Shirt Day” dress code. Long pants and shoes. I am looking forward to seeing you all there. For those who won’t be able to attend we will keep you in our thoughts and wish you a speedy return.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W. Bro. Michael Schnurr

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)

Here is a map showing the location of 308 Neill Street. Tofino, B.C.

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Regular Meeting Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 – 9 July 2022, 1:00 p.m.

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Notice for July, 2022

Dear Brethren,

I am directed by the Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the REGULAR meeting of Manoah Lodge No. 141, to be held on Saturday, July 9th 1:00 PM in the Masonic Hall, 308 Neill Street, Tofino BC.

Inasmuch as we are facing the onset of warmer weather, our Worshipful Master has directed informal dress (slacks and button-front shirts, without ties) with regalia.

The repast will begin at 12:00 Noon in the banquet room. We suggest you pick up a take-out order from Gary’s Kitchen (downstairs from the Lodge room) by 11:45. They have now converted to a take-out only operation with the same selection and reasonable prices. So, the repast will be much as it was before the pandemic struck, with the exception that we will be dining in the Lodge facilities…..

Sincerely and fraternally,
John McIntosh

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)

Here is a map showing the location of 308 Neill Street. Tofino, B.C.

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Regular Meeting Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 – 11 June 2022, 1:00 p.m.

Manoah Lodge No. 141  Notice for June, 2022

 Dear Brethren,

I am directed by the Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the REGULAR meeting of Manoah Lodge No. 141, to be held on Saturday, June 11th 1:00 PM in the Masonic Hall, 308 Neill Street, Tofino BC.

Inasmuch as we are facing the onset of warmer weather, our Worshipful Master has directed informal dress (slacks and button-front shirts, without ties) with regalia.

The repast will begin at 12:00 Noon in the banquet room.  We suggest you pick up a take-out order from Gary’s Kitchen (downstairs from the Lodge room) by 11:45. They have now converted to a take-out only operation with the same selection and reasonable prices.  So the repast will be much as it was before the pandemic struck, with the exception that we will be dining in the Lodge facilities….

Sincerely and fraternally,

John McIntosh


Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)

Here is a map showing the location of 308 Neill Street in downtown Tofino, B.C.:

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Regular Meetings Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 Will Be Postponed Until Spring 2022.

Dear Brethren,

Given due consideration, and on a balance of caution, VW Bro. Morris Soer, the Worshipful Master of Manoah Lodge No.141 has determined not to hold Lodge meetings until the spring of 2022.

While the Grand Lodge of BC and the Yukon issued a blanket dispensation on June 21, 2021 for the resumption of Lodge meetings under certain COVID-19 restrictions, the high and growing number of COVID-19 cases in BC, along with the prevalence of the highly contagious Delta variant warrants a prolonged period of caution, particularly among our aging membership.

Any hopes we had for a possible Election of Officers on September 11, 2021 and an Installation of Officers on October 9, 2021 are delayed. We will contact everyone with updates as they become available.

Best wishes to you and your families for both good health and good spirits,

John McIntosh, Secretary
Manoah Lodge No. 141

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Benevolent Donation

Dear Brethren,

Back in the fall of 2019, we made a local benevolent donation to one of our few local troll fishermen to enable him to travel to Victoria for a long and periodic series of cancer treatments. You may recall my reporting the following spring on his elderly mother, Mary, being awarded the Oueen’s Volunteer Medal for her years of selfless service to the community. The Ucluelet town Council Chambers were packed to overflowing for that happy event. (See video below)

Continue reading Manoah Lodge No. 141 Benevolent Donation

Due To COVID-19 Precautions, Manoah Lodge No. 141 Will Be Closed Until Further Notice

In accordance with public health requirements and Grand Lodge of B.C. & Yukon directives, Manoah Lodge No. 141 will be In Darkness until further notice.

All Masonic meetings and other activities at Manoah Lodge No. 141 are suspended until the current COVID-19 situation is resolved.

You can still contact Manoah Lodge through the Dialog Box at the bottom of this page or through the contacts listed on our Contact Us page.

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)
Lodge Room, Manoah Lodge No. 141 (photo by Manoah Lodge No. 141 webmaster)
Lodge Room, Manoah Lodge No. 141 (photo by Manoah Lodge No. 141 webmaster)

The 14 March 2020 Regular Meeting Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 Has Been Cancelled Due To Coronavirus Prevention Precautions


The 14 March 2020 Regular Meeting Of Manoah Lodge No. 141 has been cancelled due to Coronavirus prevention precautions.

We will hold the Election of Officers at a later date which will be announced in due time.

I am willing to come to Tofino to meet with VWB Soer (who is already in Tofino) and anyone else who may wish to take part in a brief AGM for the Tofino Masonic Temple Society (TMTS) so that Bro. Huntsman can file the TMTS annual report for 2019 in compliance with the BC Societies Act.

Fraternal best wishes,

John McIntosh
Manoah Lodge No. 141

Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 318 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C.
Manoah Lodge No. 141 Building, 308 Neill Street, Tofino, B.C. (photo: Manoah Lodge No. 141 Webmaster)