Dear Brethren,
Given due consideration, and on a balance of caution, VW Bro. Morris Soer, the Worshipful Master of Manoah Lodge No.141 has determined not to hold Lodge meetings until the spring of 2022.
While the Grand Lodge of BC and the Yukon issued a blanket dispensation on June 21, 2021 for the resumption of Lodge meetings under certain COVID-19 restrictions, the high and growing number of COVID-19 cases in BC, along with the prevalence of the highly contagious Delta variant warrants a prolonged period of caution, particularly among our aging membership.
Any hopes we had for a possible Election of Officers on September 11, 2021 and an Installation of Officers on October 9, 2021 are delayed. We will contact everyone with updates as they become available.
Best wishes to you and your families for both good health and good spirits,
John McIntosh, Secretary
Manoah Lodge No. 141