Manoah Lodge No. 141 Notice for June, 2022
Dear Brethren,
I am directed by the Worshipful Master to request your attendance at the REGULAR meeting of Manoah Lodge No. 141, to be held on Saturday, June 11th 1:00 PM in the Masonic Hall, 308 Neill Street, Tofino BC.
Inasmuch as we are facing the onset of warmer weather, our Worshipful Master has directed informal dress (slacks and button-front shirts, without ties) with regalia.
The repast will begin at 12:00 Noon in the banquet room. We suggest you pick up a take-out order from Gary’s Kitchen (downstairs from the Lodge room) by 11:45. They have now converted to a take-out only operation with the same selection and reasonable prices. So the repast will be much as it was before the pandemic struck, with the exception that we will be dining in the Lodge facilities….
Sincerely and fraternally,
John McIntosh

Here is a map showing the location of 308 Neill Street in downtown Tofino, B.C.:
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