The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Doug Franklin will be making his Official Visit to Mid Island District No. 5 on 25 February 2020.
Here is the information about the Grand Master’s Official Visit as provided by the D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. Gerry Flesh:
Date : February 25, 2020
Meet & Greet: 5:00 PM
Dinner: 6:00 PM
Location: Nanaimo Yacht Club, 400 Newcastle Avenue
Price: $40.00 each
Catering: Spice of Life
Lodge Meeting: Morpeth Hall, 620 Morpeth Ave
Tyled: 7:30 pm. Grand Master Received ,7:45pm
Ladies program will be held in same banquet room as dinner.
Grand Master Hotel: Coast Bastion, 11 Bastion Street, 250-753-6601
Lower parking for Nanaimo Yacht Club at foot of Townsite Rd . Gate will be Open, enter thur clubhouse door and up stairs.
Brethren and guests with mobility issues , please angle park at main door on Newcastle Avenue.
Grand Master Piped in at 5:45 PM, Dinner at 6:00 PM
TICKETS: RWBro Gerry Flesh, email; Text or Phone 250-616-7017.

Here is a map showing the location of Morpeth Masonic Hall:
Here is a map showing the location of the Nanaimo Yacht Club, 400 Newcastle Avenue: